Pin Specifications

Pin Configurations
Pin Description
1BSTProvides Drive to High-Side Internal nMOS. Connect a 100nF/6.3V bootstrap capacitor between this pin and the LX node.
2INOKBCharger Input Valid, Active Low Logic Output Flag. Open-drain output indicates when valid voltage is present at CHGIN.
3STATOpen Drain Charge Status Indication Output. STAT toggles low and high impedance during charge. STAT becomes low when top-off threshold is detected and in done state. STAT becomes high impedance when charge faults occur.
4CC2USB Type-C CC2 Connection
5CC1USB Type-C CC1 Connection
6DPCommon Positive Output 1. Connect to D+ on USB Type-C or micro USB connector.
7DNCommon Negative Output 1. Connect to D- on USB Type-C or micro USB connector.
8ENBSTActive High Logic Input. Enable/Disable the Reverse Boost Converter
9GNDAnalog Ground. Short to ground plane.
10VDDOutput of On-Chip LDO Used to Power On-Chip, Low-Noise Circuits. Bypass with a 2.2µF/10V ceramic capacitor to GND. Powering external loads from VDD is not recommended other than pullup resistors.
11ITOPOFFTop Off Current Setting Pin. Connect a resistor (RTOPOFF) from ITOPOFF to GND to program the top-off current from 100mA to 350mA. Use 8.06kΩ for 100mA top-off current. The pin is also used to enable or disable the charger. See the Applications Information section.
12IFASTFast Charge Current Setting Pin. Connect a resistor (RIFAST) from IFAST to GND to program the fast charge current. Use 24.9kΩ for 3.15A fast charge current. See the Applications Information section.
13, 14BATTBattery Power Connection. Connect to the positive terminal of a single-cell (or parallel cell) Li-ion battery. Bypass BATT to PGND ground plane with a 10µF ceramic capacitor.
15, 16SYSSystem Power Node. Bypass SYS to PGND with a 2x10µF/10V ceramic capacitor.
17PVLOutput of On-Chip LDO, Noisy Rail Due to Bootstrap Operation. Bypass with a 2.2µF/10V ceramic capacitor to PGND. Powering external loads from PVL is not recommended.
18, 19PGNDPower Ground. Connect the return of the buck output capacitor close to these pins.
20, 21LXSwitching Node. Connect an inductor between LX and SYS. When the buck converter is enabled, LX switches between BYP and PGND to control the input current, battery current, battery voltage, and die temperature.
22BYPSystem Power Connection. Output of OVP adapter input block and input to switching charger. Bypass with 22µF/16V ceramic capacitor from BYP to PGND.
23, 24CHGINCharger Input. Up to 13.7V operating, 16VDC withstand input pin connected to an adapter or USB power source. Connect a 2.2µF/16V ceramic capacitor from CHGIN to GND.